Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  2023 is going to be a big year at Coffee Traders!

We hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season and having time to enjoy family and friends.  The cold weather in Austin helped create a wonderful opportunity to just stay inside, drink fresh roasted coffee and visit!

This year is going to be a year of changes for Texas Coffee Traders and we are looking forward to it.  In the next few months construction of our new roasting facility will be complete and we will be moving our current roasting and production departments to 5815 Wilcab Road,

At the same time we should have all the permits and inspections completed at our new retail and service shop on Airport Blvd. so that we can move those departments in at that site.  It is such a great space!

Big moves and lots of change!  

It is exciting to look forward to 2023 as a year of growth for Coffee Traders and we are busy finishing up the last details so that we will be ready to welcome you all to our new sites.  We have loved every minute of our time on East 4th.  The neighborhood has been our home for 25 years and we have so many stories and history tied to our building and area and it isn’t without sadness that we are moving our location.  Along with that however is a genuine excitement to create new stories and history.

We hope you all join in!

On a personal note, Rc is now settled in at home and recovering.  Christmas weekend was a lot of fun with family dropping by and being able to enjoy all of it from home instead of the hospital.  What a gift!

Thank you everyone for the continued love and support and we truly look forward to 2023 as a transformative year.  Happy 2023!

Beth and Rc