June 9, 2022

Hey all,

Oh my goodness, it is seriously hot folx! Cold brew and iced teas are the drink choices these days though there are those of us who stay true to that hot cup of coffee first thing in the morning.

With the extraordinary hot weather we are having, TCT is making all efforts to limit the time our roasters are in the roasting room so there is a chance that not all of our coffees will be on the shelves all the time. We appreciate everyone understanding the plan not to "roast the roaster".

Rc continues to recover. He was in Dell Seton again this week for his last procedure, knock on wood, and should return to rehab next week to continue his recovery work. His prognosis remains very positive. It just takes time.

Thanks again to everyone who has reached out. The prayers and positive wishes make a huge difference and we truly appreciate all the support.

Enjoy the summer and we look forward to seeing you all at the shop!

Beth and Rc